My Story



Over the past few years, news stories report day-after-day the occurrence of multiple deaths that involve youth that are senseless and sinful. I have become extremely critical of the daily youth violence occurring in our country, neighborhoods, schools, shopping centers, churches, and our homes. The latter has especially impacted me, and it is the inspiration behind YRU ANGRY!

Danny Baldwin, Founder of YRU ANGRY & Certified Peer Support Specialist

One afternoon while sitting in my SUV, I answered my cell in what anyone would call an even tone of voice. On the phone was my sister whom I love talking with. As she and I engaged in conversation, within a few moments, we found ourselves in a disagreement. The disagreement was over something relatively simple, but the height of our voices

began to get higher and higher, and anger spewed from each of us. As I considered myself done with the conversation, I hung up the phone in disgust!

After the conversation, I sat in my car and I prayed, for this kind of occurrence between me and my sisters has happened too many times. I asked God, “Why did he give us the emotion of anger that is so dangerous and detrimental and gives us bad outcomes”? I decided he wanted me to send a message to the world. I felt called to do a ministry, and immediately, I began to ask myself, “YRU ANGRY?” I now charge you to ask yourself, YRU ANGRY, and you will truly find that asking yourself this question is a real eye-opener.

As time has evolved, YRU ANGRY has become recognized as a movement. As a natural emotion, YRU ANGRY speaks to us all, and our anger can be for reasons that are both positive and negative. We find that asking the question, YRU ANGRY offers exploration into one’s personal anger concerns, and it allows for an individual to autonomously identify the root cause of our anger. We teach strategies to practice like how to put on the brakes and PAUSE before saying words you can’t take back or destroying the things you love leaving scars that are forever!

Anger itself is not classified as a mental health disorder in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5). There are no diagnostic criteria for anger issues. However, anger is associated with many mental health conditions, including:

anti-social personality disorder - anxiety - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

bipolar disorder - borderline personality disorder - conduct disorder - depression

intermittent explosive disorder - narcissistic personality disorder - obsessive-compulsive

disorder - oppositional defiant disorder - schizophrenia

Feeling angry is not always a sign of a mental health condition but speaking to your doctor can help to determine underlying cause(s). For this reason, we have identified partnerships with the National Association of Mentally Ill (NAMI), mental health agencies, and we can assist you in finding a mental health agency in your area. PAUSE. Ask yourself, YRU ANGRY?